To the woman who has "tried everything"...

Overcome Bingeing, Emotional Eating & Food Obsession For Good Without Dieting Or Willpower

Discover the proven framework to stop feeling obsessed and out of control with food, so that you can finally feel "normal" around food and eat without guilt, thinking about food 24/7 or constant fear of overeating.

To the woman who has "tried everything"...

Overcome Bingeing, Emotional Eating & Food Obsession For Good Without Dieting Or Willpower

Discover the proven 4-step framework to stop feeling obsessed and out of control with food, so that you can finally feel "normal" around food and eat without guilt, thinking about food 24/7 or constant fear of overeating.

Are you tired of feeling.....?


Not Your Fault

If you’ve tried every diet out there, and none of them have worked - there’s nothing wrong with you.

You’ve been promised a healthier, happier and more confident life on the other side of each new diet you’ve tried - always thinking that THIS ONE would be different.

If you’ve tried every diet out there, and none of them have worked - there’s nothing wrong with you.

You’ve been promised a healthier, happier and more confident life on the other side of each new diet you’ve tried - always thinking that THIS ONE would be different.

You’ve counted calories, cut out sugar, and purged your pantry of “junk” food. You’ve replaced rice with cauliflower and pasta with zucchini. You’ve ordered shakes, meal plans, and powders. You’ve weighed yourself every day, followed restrictive food rules to a T, and doubled down on willpower. 

And for a short while… it worked! You felt on top of the world stepping on the scale and seeing that number go down. You got compliments on your weight loss, and finally felt like you had figured this food & weight thing out.

But the dream didn’t last long.

Within a few weeks, you’re thinking about food 24/7. You’re hungry, craving ALL the things, and sneaking into the kitchen at night to binge on “forbidden” foods. 

You’re now cycling between being “good” and “on the wagon”, to falling completely off the rails and eating everything in sight. 

As time progresses, you feel anxious, frustrated, and powerless around food. Soon enough, you’re right back to square one, and thinking "Here I am again, giving it my all, and it still didn't work. What's wrong with me? Why can't I stick to anything? Am I destined to feel this way forever?" 

Man, that self-blame feels awful, doesn’t it? I know it does, because that was my life for YEARS. 

Millions of brilliant, successful women have been conditioned to blame themselves and their lack of discipline. But no matter how many failed diets you have under your belt, YOU are not the problem. 

Let me tell you why.

Research shows that 95-98% of diets fail.

You’ve counted calories, cut out sugar, and purged your pantry of “junk” food. You’ve replaced rice with cauliflower and pasta with zucchini. You’ve ordered shakes, meal plans, and powders. You’ve weighed yourself every day, followed restrictive food rules to a T, and doubled down on willpower. 

And for a short while… it worked! You felt on top of the world stepping on the scale and seeing that number go down. You got compliments on your weight loss, and finally felt like you had figured this food & weight thing out.

But the dream didn’t last long.

Within a few weeks, you’re thinking about food 24/7. You’re hungry, craving ALL the things, and sneaking into the kitchen at night to binge on “forbidden” foods. 

You’re now cycling between being “good” and “on the wagon”, to falling completely off the rails and eating everything in sight. 

As time progresses, you feel anxious, frustrated, and powerless around food. Soon enough, you’re right back to square one, and thinking "Here I am again, giving it my all, and it still didn't work. What's wrong with me? Why can't I stick to anything? Am I destined to feel this way forever?" 

Man, that self-blame feels awful, doesn’t it? I know it does, because that was my life for YEARS. 

Millions of brilliant, successful women have been conditioned to blame themselves and their lack of discipline. But no matter how many failed diets you have under your belt, YOU are not the problem. 

Let me tell you why.

Research shows that 95-98% of diets fail.

You haven’t failed, diets have failed you. The real culprit is diet culture, a $70+ billion industry that has been designed to:

  • Increase binge eating, emotional eating and cravings.

  • Make you feel bad about yourself, your body and your food choice

  • Steal your money, time and brain space

  • Lower your self-esteem, energy, focus and mood

  • Increase your self-criticism, judgement and comparison

  • Set you up for failure. 

  • Distract you from your real life purpose.

You haven’t failed, diets have failed you. The real culprit is diet culture, a $70+ billion industry that has been designed to:

  • Increase binge eating, emotional eating and cravings.

  • Make you feel bad about yourself, your body and your food choice

  • Steal your money, time and brain space

  • Lower your self-esteem, energy, focus and mood

  • Increase your self-criticism, judgement and comparison

  • Set you up for failure. 

  • Distract you from your real life purpose.

When you reflect on your own dieting history, you'll likely see all the more clearly how futile and harmful it has been.

When you reflect on your own dieting history, you'll likely see all the more clearly how futile and harmful it has been.

And if you keep going down this path, you can remain stuck in the cycle of perpetual self-criticism, endless dieting, and the relentless pursuit of self-worth dependent on how your body looks. 

The more you cling to food rules & restrictions, the further you get from truly enjoying food, listening to your body, and fully experiencing the richness of life.

You'll never get to be present for the big & small moments in life, like weddings, birthdays, graduations, and countless other important moments because thoughts of food and weight consume your mind. If you’re anything like I was, your relationship with food is destroying your health, your relationships, and your life.

Life is too short to keep letting the size of your body dictate the size of your life.

“I didn’t realize that I was falling into the obsession trap, which was affecting not only myself, but the people around me too.”

I could write a novel about my experience with Sabrina, but I’ll keep it short and sweet. I had been struggling to lose weight and keep it off for years. I was in a vicious cycle of tracking and working out hardcore, and then any little setback in my progress would put me off track. I was strictly tracking, weighing, and exercising daily. I was so hard on myself, depriving myself of food, rest, and self love. 

Sabrina taught me how to build the right habits, how to take care of my body and mind, gave me skills to practice throughout the process, and taught me how to cope with every negative element/habit that I faced along the way.


“I didn’t realize that I was falling into the obsession trap, which was affecting not only myself, but the people around me too.”

I could write a novel about my experience with Sabrina, but I’ll keep it short and sweet. I had been struggling to lose weight and keep it off for years. I was in a vicious cycle of tracking and working out hardcore, and then any little setback in my progress would put me off track. I was strictly tracking, weighing, and exercising daily. I was so hard on myself, depriving myself of food, rest, and self love. 

Sabrina taught me how to build the right habits, how to take care of my body and mind, gave me skills to practice throughout the process, and taught me how to cope with every negative element/habit that I faced along the way.


The truth is that you want to overcome binge & overeating, guilt and constant thoughts about food, the solution isn’t to try harder on more diet.

That’s what created these problems in the first place, and MORE dieting will only exacerbate your challenges. And do you really want to be 80 years old still obsessed with food & your body?!

The solution to break free from this vicious cycle of guilt and shame is to heal your relationship with food.

The truth is that you want to overcome binge & overeating, guilt and constant thoughts about food, the solution isn’t to try harder on more diet.

That’s what created these problems in the first place, and MORE dieting will only exacerbate your challenges. And do you really want to be 80 years old still obsessed with food & your body?!

The solution to break free from this vicious cycle of guilt and shame is to heal your relationship with food.

Healing your relationship with food means...

Enjoying food without the burden of shame, anxiety or obsession.

Putting an end to overeating and binge eating habits, for good.

Going out to eat with loved ones in peace without worry about falling "off track"

Cultivating a balanced, intuitive and sustainable approach to eating WITHOUT giving up the foods you love.

Liberating yourself from the fear of losing control around food.

Developing healthy coping mechanisms to deal with emotions without turning to food.

Listening to your body to guide your eating instead of rules, apps, meal plans, or external diet tools.

Freeing your time, energy and mental space to focus on what truly matters to you.

A healthier relationship with food ultimately leads to a healthier, happier you.

Just like these Food Freedom Academy members…

Healing your relationship with food means...

Enjoying food without the burden of shame, anxiety or obsession.

Putting an end to overeating and binge eating habits, for good.

Cultivating a balanced, intuitive and sustainable approach to eating WITHOUT giving up the foods you love.

Going out to eat with loved ones in peace without worry about falling "off track"

Liberating yourself from the fear of losing control around food.

Developing healthy coping mechanisms to deal with emotions without turning to food.

Freeing your time, energy and mental space to focus on what truly matters to you.

Listening to your body to guide your eating instead of rules, apps, meal plans, or external diet tools.

A healthier relationship with food ultimately leads to a healthier, happier you.

Just like these Food Freedom Academy members…

Are you ready to stop obsessing over food and get your time, energy and mental space back to start truly living your life and focusing on things that matter most to you?


Food Freedom Academy


Food Freedom Academy isn’t just another course, membership or diet plan like all others you may have taken. It's a transformational coaching experience & lifelong community that will take you from feeling food obsessed... to finally feeling "normal" around food.


Food Freedom Academy


Food Freedom Academy isn’t just another course, membership or diet plan like all others you may have taken. It's a transformational coaching experience & lifelong community that will take you from feeling food obsessed... to finally feeling "normal" around food.

Welcome to the best chapters of your life - where food is no longer a source of stress - it's a source of enjoyment, ease and connection.

Finally put food obsession behind for good a matter of WEEKS!

Just like hundreds of our members ⬇️

The Food Freedom Academy Proven Process

When you join you’ll get access to the step-by- step process designed to help you develop healthy & peaceful thoughts, feelings and behaviours with food.

Step 1

Create A Life You Love By Starting With The End In Mind

Develop a strong foundation for success and map out your journey to Food Freedom 


  • Define your vision by uncovering your true desires for a fulfilling life without the constraints of diet culture

  • Gain clarity on your ideal relationship with food so that you know exactly where you’re going and how you’ll get there.

  • Overcome & dismantle mental blocks that could hinder your progress and keep you in self-sabotage, doubt and fear.

  • Learn my most powerful mindset tool to put a stop to autopilot living, and start becoming the creator of your life.

  • Plus so much more!

Step 1

Create A Life You Love By Starting With The End In Mind

Develop a strong foundation for success and map out your journey to Food Freedom 


  • Define your vision by uncovering your true desires for a fulfilling life without the constraints of diet culture

  • Gain clarity on your ideal relationship with food so that you know exactly where you’re going and how you’ll get there.

  • Overcome & dismantle mental blocks that could hinder your progress and keep you in self-sabotage, doubt and fear.

  • Learn my most powerful mindset tool to put a stop to autopilot living, and start becoming the creator of your life.

  • Plus so much more!

“No more obsessing over food, no more dieting, no more weighing myself, no more comparing myself to others.

The support & guidance inside the program helped me see the brighter side of things. It gave me hope and helped me find my strength. Sabrina is amazing and inspired me to live my best life in the body I was given. She has helped me find peace. No more obsessing over food, no more dieting, no more weighing myself, no more comparing myself to others. I have changed my perspective on food. It is to enjoy and fuel my body.

Sabrina has impacted my life in such a positive way that I can never thank her enough!!”


Nova Scotia

Step 2

Break Free From The Endless Diet Cycle

Liberate your mind and life from the toxic diet mentality.


  • Learn the 4-step process to reject the diet mentality so that you can free your mind from guilt, shame and negative beliefs.

  • Take powerful action towards reconnecting to your body and silencing the mental food chatter. 

  • Upgrade your food and body mindset & environment by exposing yourself to empowering content that shifts the way you think within a matter of days

  • Become aware of unhealthy language, behaviours and thoughts around food that are keeping you trapped in food obsession, overeating and guilt

  • Plus so much more!

Step 2

Break Free From The Endless Diet Cycle

Liberate your mind and life from the toxic diet mentality.


  • Learn the 4-step process to reject the diet mentality so that you can free your mind from guilt, shame and negative beliefs.

  • Take powerful action towards reconnecting to your body and silencing the mental food chatter. 

  • Upgrade your food and body mindset & environment by exposing yourself to empowering content that shifts the way you think within a matter of days

  • Become aware of unhealthy language, behaviours and thoughts around food that are keeping you trapped in food obsession, overeating and guilt

  • Plus so much more!

“Sabrina has helped me tremendously decrease my anxiety about weight and food! It truly is freeing”

Sabrina is fantastic!! Caring and unbelievably brilliant. If you are in need of help with being obsessed with what to eat and not to eat, and need help breaking free from the diet hamster wheel…please do yourself a favor and contact her.


“Sabrina has helped me tremendously decrease my anxiety about weight and food! It truly is freeing”

Sabrina is fantastic!! Caring and unbelievably brilliant. If you are in need of help with being obsessed with what to eat and not to eat, and need help breaking free from the diet hamster wheel…please do yourself a favor and contact her.


“My constant obsession with wanting to lose weight has decreased and I’m not constantly thinking about starting another diet anymore!"



Step 3

Regain Body Trust & Connection

Put a stop to overeating by reconnecting to your hunger and fullness cues, food preferences, and how food makes you feel. 


  • Learn how to listen to your body in a step-by-step process so that you can stop relying on external tools and trust your internal cues to guide your eating.

  • Develop a keen awareness of your body’s signals for hunger and satisfaction.

  • Gain access to one of my most powerful tools to balance out your eating, reduce chaotic all-or-nothing eating and promote peace around meal time.

  • Rediscover the pleasure of eating by being more mindful, present and stress-free with your food, allowing you to savor your food and feel satisfied.

  • Plus so much more!

Step 3

Regain Body Trust & Connection

Put a stop to overeating by reconnecting to your hunger and fullness cues, food preferences, and how food makes you feel. 


  • Learn how to listen to your body in a step-by-step process so that you can stop relying on external tools and trust your internal cues to guide your eating.

  • Develop a keen awareness of your body’s signals for hunger and satisfaction.

  • Gain access to one of my most powerful tools to balance out your eating, reduce chaotic all-or-nothing eating and promote peace around meal time.

  • Rediscover the pleasure of eating by being more mindful, present and stress-free with your food, allowing you to savor your food and feel satisfied.

  • Plus so much more!

Step 4

Rewire Your Negative Thoughts Around Food, Exercise, Your Body and Yourself

Unlock the power of your subconscious mind by changing thoughts that hinder you and cultivating a positive mental environment to support your growth. 


  • Let go of food guilt so that you can reclaim the joy of eating and stop the constant “I shouldn’t be eating that” food noise

  • Silence the food police that is causing you to obsess over food 24/7 and binge

  • Implement a powerful strategy to learn how to be around “trigger” foods without losing control

  • Heal your relationship with exercise so that you can reconnect to the innate joy of physical activity

  • Heal your relationship with your body so that you can release the burden of constant scrutiny & judgement, allowing you to cultivate confidence and acceptance no matter your size.

  • Plus so much more!

Step 4

Rewire Your Negative Thoughts Around Food, Exercise, Your Body and Yourself

Unlock the power of your subconscious mind by changing thoughts that hinder you and cultivating a positive mental environment to support your growth. 


  • Let go of food guilt so that you can reclaim the joy of eating and stop the constant “I shouldn’t be eating that” food noise

  • Silence the food police that is causing you to obsess over food 24/7 and binge

  • Implement a powerful strategy to learn how to be around “trigger” foods without losing control

  • Heal your relationship with exercise so that you can reconnect to the innate joy of physical activity

  • Heal your relationship with your body so that you can release the burden of constant scrutiny & judgement, allowing you to cultivate confidence and acceptance no matter your size.

  • Plus so much more!

“I’ve overcome my binges and I’m a full fledged intuitive eater now!”

It feels amazing. I’m no longer obsessing over food. Now, I use my brain power for other things! I’m so grateful to have met Sabrina and taken her program. It’s exactly what I needed. Diet culture is such a scam!!! I’m so glad I chose Food Freedom Academy and learned from Sabrina. It has made such an incredible difference in my life.


“I’ve overcome my binges and I’m a full fledged intuitive eater now!”

It feels amazing. I’m no longer obsessing over food. Now, I use my brain power for other things! I’m so grateful to have met Sabrina and taken her program. It’s exactly what I needed. Diet culture is such a scam!!! I’m so glad I chose Food Freedom Academy and learned from Sabrina. It has made such an incredible difference in my life.


Step 5

Heal Your Emotional Eating

Cultivate healthier ways to cope with emotions without using food 


  • Uncover the roots of your emotional eating patterns and address your triggers so that you can break free from the cycle of unconscious eating

  • Develop strategies to cope with emotions in ways that don't involve turning to food for comfort, so that you can face life's challenges with resilience, strength, and without relying on emotional eating as a coping mechanism.

  • Learn about the four different types of hunger so that you can easily distinguish emotional hunger from true physical hunger

  • Learn to redirect emotional energy towards positive outlets so that you can respond to emotions in a way that aligns with your overall well-being.

  • Plus so much more!

Step 5

Heal Your Emotional Eating

Cultivate healthier ways to cope with emotions without using food 


  • Uncover the roots of your emotional eating patterns and address your triggers so that you can break free from the cycle of unconscious eating

  • Develop strategies to cope with emotions in ways that don't involve turning to food for comfort, so that you can face life's challenges with resilience, strength, and without relying on emotional eating as a coping mechanism.

  • Learn about the four different types of hunger so that you can easily distinguish emotional hunger from true physical hunger

  • Learn to redirect emotional energy towards positive outlets so that you can respond to emotions in a way that aligns with your overall well-being.

  • Plus so much more!

Step 6

Gentle Nutrition, Movement and Self-Care

Easy, healthy eating and living … the non-diet way 


  • Discover how to make nutritious choices that nourish your mind and your body without restricting, counting calories or going back to the diet mentality.

  • Incorporate the wisdom of your body with nutrition knowledge to eat as a full-fledged intuitive eater.

  • Learn how to elevate your health habits from a loving and sustainable way

  • Plus so much more!

Step 6

Gentle Nutrition, Movement and Self-Care

Easy, healthy eating and living … the non-diet way 


  • Discover how to make nutritious choices that nourish your mind and your body without restricting, counting calories or going back to the diet mentality.

  • Incorporate the wisdom of your body with nutrition knowledge to eat as a full-fledged intuitive eater.

  • Learn how to elevate your health habits from a loving and sustainable way

  • Plus so much more!

Your Life is Too Short To Waste It Too Obsessed With Food & Your Body To Actually Live It

Your Life is Too Short To Waste It Too Obsessed With Food & Your Body To Actually Live It

Transform your relationship with food, your body and yourself! Just like it’s done for these Academy members…

Transform your relationship with food, your body and yourself! Just like it’s done for these Academy members…

“I have made peace with food and my body, and I have never been happier.”

If you’ve never examined your relationship with food, and you are constantly battling with food or have been living with a life purpose of shrinking your body, it might be time to take a deeper look.

I didn’t realize how brainwashed I was from society’s cultivation of girls and women feeling worthy only if we were a certain size.

Through Sabrina’s coaching program, I have finally begun my journey of releasing myself from the prison of health resets and dieting. Although I am still on that journey, I have made peace with food and my body, and I have never been happier. 

The time I have freed up from obsessing about food, the scale, or defining my happiness, goals and value based on how big or small I am, has led to me discovering and moving toward the life I actually want to live!


“I am happier, and more focused on the important things in life, like having fun with my grandchildren! Trust me, it is SO worth it!”

When I first started Food Freedom Academy, I was so skeptical about the change that could happen.

Today, I am getting stronger mentally, and have realized that my relationship with food was toxic. Now, I eat what I want, when I want, and don’t feel guilty if I have fun foods. Funny thing is, you start to realize that you gravitate towards food that makes you feel good, and that’s what’s so great about it! 

I can also look in the mirror and love what I see, extra weight and all! I started exercising now and I’m getting back into a healthier routine, not because I want to lose weight, but because I love when I feel good! 

I don’t eat a full bag of chips anymore - I have a few and am satisfied knowing that I can always have more if I like. I am on a loving journey with myself and am so thankful this program showed me the way. Thinking of joining but not sure? DO IT! It is so worth it to not think about food anymore.


“I have made peace with food and my body, and I have never been happier.”

If you’ve never examined your relationship with food, and you are constantly battling with food or have been living with a life purpose of shrinking your body, it might be time to take a deeper look.

I didn’t realize how brainwashed I was from society’s cultivation of girls and women feeling worthy only if we were a certain size.

Through Sabrina’s coaching program, I have finally begun my journey of releasing myself from the prison of health resets and dieting. Although I am still on that journey, I have made peace with food and my body, and I have never been happier. 

The time I have freed up from obsessing about food, the scale, or defining my happiness, goals and value based on how big or small I am, has led to me discovering and moving toward the life I actually want to live!


“I am happier, and more focused on the important things in life, like having fun with my grandchildren! Trust me, it is SO worth it!”

When I first started Food Freedom Academy, I was so skeptical about the change that could happen.

Today, I am getting stronger mentally, and have realized that my relationship with food was toxic. Now, I eat what I want, when I want, and don’t feel guilty if I have fun foods. Funny thing is, you start to realize that you gravitate towards food that makes you feel good, and that’s what’s so great about it! 

I can also look in the mirror and love what I see, extra weight and all! I started exercising now and I’m getting back into a healthier routine, not because I want to lose weight, but because I love when I feel good! 

I don’t eat a full bag of chips anymore - I have a few and am satisfied knowing that I can always have more if I like. I am on a loving journey with myself and am so thankful this program showed me the way. Thinking of joining but not sure? DO IT! It is so worth it to not think about food anymore.


Now, Let's Address The Elephant In The Room

Listen,I understand that if you’re like most women who come to me, you’ve been burned in the past

You feel like you’ve tried EVERYTHING and nothing has ever worked for you. You’ve invested hundreds or even thousands of dollars on diet products or programs that didn’t work and just left you feeling more hopeless. 

And now, there’s a loud voice in your mind going…

“What if this doesn’t work for ME?”



“What if I try this, and fail AGAIN?”

I can give you my word and tell you that’s not going to happen here. But even that’s not enough.

Now, Let's Address The Elephant In The Room

Listen,I understand that if you’re like most women who come to me, you’ve been burned in the past

You feel like you’ve tried EVERYTHING and nothing has ever worked for you. You’ve invested hundreds or even thousands of dollars on diet products or programs that didn’t work and just left you feeling more hopeless. 

And now, there’s a loud voice in your mind going…

“What if this doesn’t work for ME?”


“What if I try this, and fail AGAIN?”

I can give you my word and tell you that’s not going to happen here. But even that’s not enough.

That is exactly why I’m taking ALL the risk away.

That’s right. I’m going to give you an entire 3 MONTHS – 90 days- to try FFA and prove to yourself that it’ll deliver the results I’m promising. If it doesn’t, then all you need to do is contact my team and they’ll happily refund your investment. 

But full disclosure…there is one catch, 

You have to show me you did the work. 

And the reason is simple…nothing works unless you use it. Right?

So, all you have to do is show that you’ve actively participated in the program, and genuinely put in the effort to implement the strategies I provide. 

I am so confident in this program, that this money-back guarantee is my way of ensuring that you have nothing to lose and everything to gain on your journey to a healthier, happier relationship with food.

That is exactly why I’m taking ALL the risk away.

That’s right. I’m going to give you an entire 3 MONTHS – 90 days- to try FFA and prove to yourself that it’ll deliver the results I’m promising. If it doesn’t, then all you need to do is contact my team and they’ll happily refund your investment. 

But full disclosure…there is one catch, 

You have to show me you did the work. 

And the reason is simple…nothing works unless you use it. Right?

So, all you have to do is show that you’ve actively participated in the program, and genuinely put in the effort to implement the strategies I provide. 

I am so confident in this program, that this money-back guarantee is my way of ensuring that you have nothing to lose and everything to gain on your journey to a healthier, happier relationship with food.

PLUS! You'll receive an additional 3488$ worth of bonuses – FREE

Bonus #1

Get Your Time Back to Focus on YOU:

The Ultimate Time Management Training

If you feel overwhelmed, drained from your never-ending list of to-dos, and constantly telling yourself “I don’t have time”, you’re not alone. You’re caught in the whirlwind of busy schedules, , juggling numerous responsibilities, and struggling to find a moment for personal growth. As a result, your own health and well-being falls to the backburner.

The mistake? Continually pushing through to “get more done” without getting the RIGHT things done in the RIGHT way.  

The truth is, the more you neglect time management, the more chaotic and stressful your days becomes, leaving no time to work on yourself. This Time Management Training isn't just another task on your to-do list; it's the antidote to the 'I don't have time' dilemma.


Discover a simple, effective solution to reclaim control over your schedule so that you can effortlessly balance priorities, boost productivity, get time for yourself and create space for what truly matters.

  • More "ME" Time

  • Reduced Stress & Overwhelm

  • Skyrocket Productivity                

  • Better Work-Life Balance

  • Get YEARS of Your Life Back                      

  • Get More Done

Value: $497

Included FREE Inside Food Freedom Academy

Bonus #1

Get Your Time Back to Focus on YOU:

The Ultimate Time Management Training

If you feel overwhelmed, drained from your never-ending list of to-dos, and constantly telling yourself “I don’t have time”, you’re not alone. You’re caught in the whirlwind of busy schedules, , juggling numerous responsibilities, and struggling to find a moment for personal growth. As a result, your own health and well-being falls to the backburner.

The mistake? Continually pushing through to “get more done” without getting the RIGHT things done in the RIGHT way.  

The truth is, the more you neglect time management, the more chaotic and stressful your days becomes, leaving no time to work on yourself. This Time Management Training isn't just another task on your to-do list; it's the antidote to the 'I don't have time' dilemma.

Discover a simple, effective solution to reclaim control over your schedule so that you can effortlessly balance priorities, boost productivity, get time for yourself and create space for what truly matters.

  • More "ME" Time

  • Reduced Stress & Overwhelm

  • Skyrocket Productivity                

  • Better Work-Life Balance

  • Get YEARS of Your Life Back                      

  • Get More Done

Value: $497

Included FREE Inside Food Freedom Academy

Bonus #2

Meal Planning 101 as an Intuitive Eater

– Your Recipe for Balanced Living

Put an end to the chaos of mealtime decisions, making last-minute choices that leave you feeling unsatisfied, or having to resort to take-out. 

Diet culture makes you believe that effective meal planning means spending 5 hours in the kitchen on Sundays, carefully pre-portioning salads - a daunting prospect for anyone with a busy schedule… and anyone who wants to actually enjoy their meals. 

A big part of Intuitive Eating is learning to make decisions about what to eat based on what sounds and feels good in the moment. It may seem like intuitive eating and meal planning conflict, but they actually go hand in hand. 

The real solution lies in a simple, effective and flexible meal planning strategy designed to fit seamlessly into your lifestyle.

When meal planning is done right, it becomes a powerful strategy to balanced, stress-free approach eating– paving the way for a healthier, happier life for you and your family.

  • Effortless Planning

  • Time-Saving Solutions

  • Reduced Stress 

  • Higher Energy Levels                  

  • Balanced Nutrition (diet-free)

  • Budget-Friendly Options                          

  • Joyful, Peaceful Eating

  • Healthier, Happier YOU

Value: $497

Included FREE Inside Food Freedom Academy

Bonus #2

Meal Planning 101 as an Intuitive Eater

– Your Recipe for Balanced Living

Put an end to the chaos of mealtime decisions, making last-minute choices that leave you feeling unsatisfied, or having to resort to take-out. 

Diet culture makes you believe that effective meal planning means spending 5 hours in the kitchen on Sundays, carefully pre-portioning salads - a daunting prospect for anyone with a busy schedule… and anyone who wants to actually enjoy their meals. 

A big part of Intuitive Eating is learning to make decisions about what to eat based on what sounds and feels good in the moment. It may seem like intuitive eating and meal planning conflict, but they actually go hand in hand. 

The real solution lies in a simple, effective and flexible meal planning strategy designed to fit seamlessly into your lifestyle.

When meal planning is done right, it becomes a powerful strategy to balanced, stress-free approach eating– paving the way for a healthier, happier life for you and your family.

  • Effortless Planning

  • Time-Saving Solutions

  • Reduced Stress 

  • Higher Energy Levels                  

  • Balanced Nutrition (diet-free)

  • Budget-Friendly Options                          

  • Joyful, Peaceful Eating

  • Healthier, Happier YOU

Value: $497

Included FREE Inside Food Freedom Academy

Bonus #3

How To Raise Your Kids To Be Intuitive Eaters – Raising the Next Generation to Have Food & Body Confidence

Have you ever worried about how to raise your kids to have a healthy relationship with food and their bodies, when you’ve been struggling yourself? 

Diet culture surrounds us, and unfortunately, kids aren’t immune to it. With the rise of social media, the next generation is even more at risk than ever to the negative effects of food fearmongering and body shaming. 

If you’re like all mothers you join FFA, you want your kids to experience life without any of the struggles you’ve faced with food and your body.

This training will make sure you don’t have to walk alone without guidance. You will learn actionable tips, strategies, and ways of communicating with your kids to help you cultivate a peaceful environment with food, intuitive eating habits, and a positive body image from the start.

When you empower your child to develop a positive relationship with food & their body, you’re giving them the biggest gift of all: a future of intuitive, healthy and balanced eating, free from food & body struggles.

  • Confidence in Parenting

  • Stress-Free Harmony Mealtime

  • Realistic Parenting Strategies

  • Protection From Diet Culture              

  • Family Connection

  • Healthy Habits and Lifestyle Foundation

  • Lifelong Health Benefits For the Whole Family

  • Avoid Food Battles

Value: $997

Included FREE Inside Food Freedom Academy


Bonus #3

How To Raise Your Kids To Be Intuitive Eaters – Raising the Next Generation to Have Food & Body Confidence

Have you ever worried about how to raise your kids to have a healthy relationship with food and their bodies, when you’ve been struggling yourself? 

Diet culture surrounds us, and unfortunately, kids aren’t immune to it. With the rise of social media, the next generation is even more at risk than ever to the negative effects of food fear-mongering and body shaming. 

If you’re like all mothers you join FFA, you want your kids to experience life without any of the struggles you’ve faced with food and your body.

This training will make sure you don’t have to walk alone without guidance. You will learn actionable tips, strategies, and ways of communicating with your kids to help you cultivate a peaceful environment with food, intuitive eating habits, and a positive body image from the start.

When you empower your child to develop a positive relationship with food & their body, you’re giving them the biggest gift of all: a future of intuitive, healthy and balanced eating, free from food & body struggles.

  • Confidence in Parenting

  • Stress-Free Harmony Mealtime

  • Realistic Parenting Strategies

  • Protection From Diet Culture            

  • Family Connection

  • Healthy Habits and Lifestyle Foundation

  • Lifelong Health Benefits For the Whole Family

  • Avoid Food Battles

Value: $997

Included FREE Inside Food Freedom Academy


Bonus #4

The Master Your Habits Bundle

– Retrain Your Brain for Lasting Change


Your habits will determine your future. What you do automatically, subconsciously, on autopilot will dictate your life and your future.  

"If you want to predict where you’ll end up in life, all you have to do is follow the curve of tiny gains or tiny losses and see how your daily choices will compound 10 or 20 years down the line." – James Clear  

The problem? No one teaches you how to actually form and stick to new habits for the long-term. You’re taught to use willpower and discipline, which is a temporary resource. 

As a result, you repeat the same patterns, always falling back into old habits. 

This bundle of one-of-a-kind trainings teach you the psychology of habits and behaviour change, empowering you to transform your routine for lasting success.

Change Your Habits, Change Your Life.

  • 10-Step Blueprint to Build Good Habits

  • Habit Tracking Scorecard

  • Retrain Your Brain For Success 

  • Break Bad Habits                  

  • Understand How Habits Form

  • How Habits Affect Your Identity & Vice Versa                         

  • Establish Lifelong Health Habits

  • Master Your Mind

Value: $1497

Included FREE Inside Food Freedom Academy

Bonus #4

The Master Your Habits Bundle

– Retrain Your Brain for Lasting Change


Your habits will determine your future. What you do automatically, subconsciously, on autopilot will dictate your life and your future.  

"If you want to predict where you’ll end up in life, all you have to do is follow the curve of tiny gains or tiny losses and see how your daily choices will compound 10 or 20 years down the line." – James Clear  

The problem? No one teaches you how to actually form and stick to new habits for the long-term. You’re taught to use willpower and discipline, which is a temporary resource. 

As a result, you repeat the same patterns, always falling back into old habits. 

This bundle of one-of-a-kind trainings teach you the psychology of habits and behaviour change, empowering you to transform your routine for lasting success.

Change Your Habits, Change Your Life.

  • 10-Step Blueprint to Build Good Habits

  • Habit Tracking Scorecard

  • Retrain Your Brain For Success 

  • Break Bad Habits                  

  • Understand How Habits Form

  • How Habits Affect Your Identity & Vice Versa                         

  • Establish Lifelong Health Habits

  • Master Your Mind

Value: $1497

Included FREE Inside Food Freedom Academy


Now, you have a choice to make.

The first choice is to keep doing what you’ve been doing. But if you’re here, it’s probably because you’ve been trying to figure this food thing out on your own for far too long, without making real progress. 

When you consider what you’ll be looking back on at the end of it all, will you regret those countless hours fixated on calories? Or all the experiences you missed because you were too caught up obsessing over food and your body? 

Celebrations tainted by guilt and moments of joy clouded by that ongoing food fight in your head. 

Nothing changes if nothing changes. 


You Can Stop Letting Food Control Your Life.

You can look back with a grin on your face, thinking about the time you made a bold decision for yourself, even in the face of fear. The decision to break free from the diet chaos, embrace a life of food freedom, and truly start living your life. A decision that had a ripple effect on everyone and everything around you. 

The choice is yours, and it's not just about what you do today; it's about the story you'll tell when you're looking back. 

You CAN do it. With the right mindset, the right tools, and with the right support, you CAN heal your relationship with food and transform your life.

Your story, your call.

The greatest gift you can give to yourself is the gift of a healthy relationship with food.

Your Most Popular Questions, Answered:

Have a pressing question you need answered before enrolling in Food Freedom Academy? 

Below is a list of the most common questions I’ve been asked. If you don’t see your question, just reach out to my Support Team ([email protected]) so we can assist you ASAP. You can also book a 15-minute clarity call with Sabrina.

What makes the members of FFA and all the testimonials I’ve seen so successful?

Food Freedom Academy was specifically designed for the woman who wants to overcome food obsession, guilt and overeating for good . What makes THIS program different can be broken into three distinct reasons:

#1- LONG-TERM SUSTAINABILITY: This isn’t a quick-fix.  We make sure you’re creating a life you will be in love with when you’re 80 years old - one that fosters your physical, mental and emotional well-being.

#2 - MINDSET: You’re not just changing your habits in this program, you’re experiencing a complete shift in your way of thinking and being. We help you overcome limiting beliefs, understand how your brain works, and reshape your thoughts so that you can break free from old patterns and achieve your highest potential - in all areas of your life.

#3 - PERSONAL EXPERIENCE: There is NOTHING you can share in the program that I haven’t heard or experienced myself. You will never be shamed or judged for your challenges - in fact, I encourage them! You’ll learn a way of using “failures” to achieve your goals faster and easier than ever before..

If I really want to stop binge eating, will this program help me with that?

Absolutely! Healing your relationship with food is the BEST way to overcome binge eating. Binge eating patterns are a direct result of dieting and your relationship with food. We help you let go of dieting through a structured process and supported environment so that you regain your sense of control around food.

I've tried so many things before and failed. How is this program different?

You can’t fail at healing your relationship with food, because every step in the direction of food freedom is success. Progress, not perfection. 

This program isn’t another quick-fix or restrictive diet that you have to endure for a few weeks to lose weight. Food Freedom Academy helps you unlearn the unhealthy thoughts and behaviours around food that dieting has instilled in you, and come back to the intuitive eater you were born as. 

By replacing old, unhealthy thought patterns with new, positive ones, you'll cultivate a sustainable and peaceful relationship with food that you’ll bring with you for the rest of your life..

I have never tried to work on my relationship with food before. Can’t I just do it on my own?

You absolutely could try to do this on your own, however our relationship with food often lies in the shadows, meaning that we don’t know what we don’t know. 

Food Freedom Academy helps you save a lot of time, energy and frustration of trying to piece it all together on your own in 4 distinct ways:.

#1 - Expert Guidance: You have a mentor! You’ll have a coach to provide valuable insights and advice based on your own journey to speed up your progress and navigate your challenges effectively.

#2 - Structured Framework: Keep things organized! You never have to wonder if you’re doing things right or if you’re on the right/wrong track. We provide a proven and structured approach to healing your relationship with food to ensure clarity and eliminate guesswork. 

#3- Community Connection: You’re never alone!  Joining  FFA connects you with a supportive community of women on similar journeys, and this is a community you get to be part of for the rest of your life!

#4 - Accountability System: You can’t give up on yourself! It’s so easy to let our negative self-talk win, leading to self-sabotage and falling right back into the unhealthy patterns that brought you here. When you join FFA, you’re going to be held accountable so that you can stay committed to your goals.

I really need to lose weight for my health. Is this still a good fit for me?

If you’re looking to improve your health in a way that is sustainable and fosters a healthy relationship with food and your body, absolutely! A healthy relationship with food is associated with decreased binge & emotional eating, improved health markers, fewer food cravings and more energy, just to name a few.

If your goal is solely focused on weight loss and you’re looking for a restrictive approach that could be detrimental to your mental & physical well-being, Food Freedom Academy may not align with those specific goals.

What can I expect once I enroll in Food Freedom Academy?

Once you enroll, you’ll immediately receive your welcome email giving you INSTANT LIFETIME access to the course, bonuses and members only Facebook group. You’ll also receive all details about the coaching calls.

My life is so hectic and I don’t have time to do a program on top of everything. How can I make this work?

I know you don’t have the time, and that your time is precious. That’s why I created this program: to help save you time or get your time back! 

Not only will you save yourself YEARS of trying to figure this out on your own, but think of how much time you’ll get back once eating is easy, intuitive and NOT something you have to obsess over 24/7. Think of how much of your time is currently consumed thinking about food and your body, counting calories, looking up the next diet to try, scrolling healthy recipes….

Food Freedom Academy will help you heal your relationship with food in a matter of months instead of years (or decades) AND will give you your mental space back on a daily basis so that you can focus your time on things that truly matter.

How much time will I need to dedicate to the program?

The last thing I want is to add more stress to your already overscheduled life, so Food Freedom Academy is designed with your busy schedule in mind. The program is flexible, allowing you to progress at your own pace. For this reason, you have LIFETIME access to the training, community and coaching calls. 

I offer two live one-hour coaching calls every week - I recommend coming to at least one of those calls.

On average, our members find that dedicating 1-2 per week is sufficient to engage with the materials, work through the worksheets, and participate in community discussions.

Our aim is to support you in creating lasting change without adding unnecessary pressure.

What is the guarantee/refund policy for Food Freedom Academy?

I want there to be NO RISK whatsoever when you decide to join the program. For that reason, you have a 90 Day Conditional Guarantee. If you don’t feel like this program is THE thing that’s going to help you find food freedom, you get your money back.

All I require is that you COMPLETED the first six modules, attended at least 1 coaching call a week (or watched the replays) AND submitted your weekly update form every week.

I know I’m going to need a lot of support and accountability to heal my relationship with food - I can’t do it alone. How much support will I get inside Food Freedom Academy?

As a member of Food Freedom Academy, I’ve got your back and will not let you fall through the cracks. You have three unique ways to get the support and accountability you need!

#1: Your LIVE Group Coaching Calls

Sessions are Mondays at 6:30 pm EST and Wednesdays at 10:30 am EST starting on February 12, 2024. This will give you a chance to ask questions, get coached through your blocks & blindspots, and connect with the members of your community. All calls are recorded and replays are sent out if you can’t make it live.

#2: Your Private (Members-Only) Facebook Group

This will be your safe place to ask any questions, post daily to hold yourself accountable, get encouragement from the other members and support each other every step of the way. You'll create an indescribable bond with your fellow Academy Members and walk away with new lifelong friendships.

#3 : Your Weekly Check Ins

Every week, you will receive an email with a short check-in from Sabrina to see how you’re doing, where you’re progressing  and what questions you might have.  This ensures that you stay on your success path and are continuously supported.

I feel a lot of shame around my struggles with food. Will I be judged for my relationship with food in the program?

Absolutely not. This is THE most kind, supportive and judgement-free environment you could possibly enter. Every member inside Food Freedom Academy shares similar challenges as you and will help you feel less alone. We do not tolerate ANY form of judgement inside the program.

This sounds overwhelming, how much time will it take for me to start seeing results?

You will experience noticeable changes in your relationship with food and your body within the first week inside the program.

When are the coaching calls, and what if I can’t make it to a call?

Sessions are Mondays at 6:30 pm EST and Wednesdays at 10:30 am EST.  If you can’t make a call, not a prob;em! All calls are recorded and immediately uploaded to your member portal so that you can watch it at a time that better suits you.

Is this program for me if I have an active eating disorder?

I work with women who have been through ED treatment and are looking for continued support in the recovery process. If you have just been diagnosed with an ED, you may need a higher level of care than we offer inside the Academy.

Your Most Popular Questions, Answered:

Have a pressing question you need answered before enrolling in Food Freedom Academy? 

Below is a list of the most common questions I’ve been asked. If you don’t see your question, just reach out to my Support Team ([email protected]) so we can assist you ASAP. You can also book a 15-minute clarity call with Sabrina here.

What makes the members of FFA and all the testimonials I’ve seen so successful?

Food Freedom Academy was specifically designed for the woman who wants to overcome food obsession, guilt and overeating for good . What makes THIS program different can be broken into three distinct reasons:

#1- LONG-TERM SUSTAINABILITY: This isn’t a quick-fix.  We make sure you’re creating a life you will be in love with when you’re 80 years old - one that fosters your physical, mental and emotional well-being.

#2 - MINDSET: You’re not just changing your habits in this program, you’re experiencing a complete shift in your way of thinking and being. We help you overcome limiting beliefs, understand how your brain works, and reshape your thoughts so that you can break free from old patterns and achieve your highest potential - in all areas of your life.

#3 - PERSONAL EXPERIENCE: There is NOTHING you can share in the program that I haven’t heard or experienced myself. You will never be shamed or judged for your challenges - in fact, I encourage them! You’ll learn a way of using “failures” to achieve your goals faster and easier than ever before..

If I really want to stop binge eating, will this program help me with that?

Absolutely! Healing your relationship with food is the BEST way to overcome binge eating. Binge eating patterns are a direct result of dieting and your relationship with food. We help you let go of dieting through a structured process and supported environment so that you regain your sense of control around food.

I've tried so many things before and failed. How is this program different?

You can’t fail at healing your relationship with food, because every step in the direction of food freedom is success. Progress, not perfection. 

This program isn’t another quick-fix or restrictive diet that you have to endure for a few weeks to lose weight. Food Freedom Academy helps you unlearn the unhealthy thoughts and behaviours around food that dieting has instilled in you, and come back to the intuitive eater you were born as. 

By replacing old, unhealthy thought patterns with new, positive ones, you'll cultivate a sustainable and peaceful relationship with food that you’ll bring with you for the rest of your life..

I have never tried to work on my relationship with food before. Can’t I just do it on my own?

You absolutely could try to do this on your own, however our relationship with food often lies in the shadows, meaning that we don’t know what we don’t know. 

Food Freedom Academy helps you save a lot of time, energy and frustration of trying to piece it all together on your own in 4 distinct ways:.

#1 - Expert Guidance: You have a mentor! You’ll have a coach to provide valuable insights and advice based on your own journey to speed up your progress and navigate your challenges effectively.

#2 - Structured Framework: Keep things organized! You never have to wonder if you’re doing things right or if you’re on the right/wrong track. We provide a proven and structured approach to healing your relationship with food to ensure clarity and eliminate guesswork. 

#3- Community Connection: You’re never alone!  Joining  FFA connects you with a supportive community of women on similar journeys, and this is a community you get to be part of for the rest of your life!

#4 - Accountability System: You can’t give up on yourself! It’s so easy to let our negative self-talk win, leading to self-sabotage and falling right back into the unhealthy patterns that brought you here. When you join FFA, you’re going to be held accountable so that you can stay committed to your goals.

I really need to lose weight for my health. Is this still a good fit for me?

If you’re looking to improve your health in a way that is sustainable and fosters a healthy relationship with food and your body, absolutely! A healthy relationship with food is associated with decreased binge & emotional eating, improved health markers, fewer food cravings and more energy, just to name a few.

If your goal is solely focused on weight loss and you’re looking for a restrictive approach that could be detrimental to your mental & physical well-being, Food Freedom Academy may not align with those specific goals.

What can I expect once I enroll in Food Freedom Academy?

Once you enroll, you’ll immediately receive your welcome email giving you INSTANT LIFETIME access to the course, bonuses and members only Facebook group. You’ll also receive all details about the coaching calls.

My life is so hectic and I don’t have time to do a program on top of everything. How can I make this work?

I know you don’t have the time, and that your time is precious. That’s why I created this program: to help save you time or get your time back! 

Not only will you save yourself YEARS of trying to figure this out on your own, but think of how much time you’ll get back once eating is easy, intuitive and NOT something you have to obsess over 24/7. Think of how much of your time is currently consumed thinking about food and your body, counting calories, looking up the next diet to try, scrolling healthy recipes….

Food Freedom Academy will help you heal your relationship with food in a matter of months instead of years (or decades) AND will give you your mental space back on a daily basis so that you can focus your time on things that truly matter.

How much time will I need to dedicate to the program?

The last thing I want is to add more stress to your already overscheduled life, so Food Freedom Academy is designed with your busy schedule in mind. The program is flexible, allowing you to progress at your own pace. For this reason, you have LIFETIME access to the training, community and coaching calls. 

I offer two live one-hour coaching calls every week - I recommend coming to at least one of those calls.

On average, our members find that dedicating 1-2 per week is sufficient to engage with the materials, work through the worksheets, and participate in community discussions.

Our aim is to support you in creating lasting change without adding unnecessary pressure.

What is the guarantee/refund policy for Food Freedom Academy?

I want there to be NO RISK whatsoever when you decide to join the program. For that reason, you have a 90 Day Conditional Guarantee. If you don’t feel like this program is THE thing that’s going to help you find food freedom, you get your money back.

All I require is that you COMPLETED the first six modules, attended at least 1 coaching call a week (or watched the replays) AND submitted your weekly update form every week.

I know I’m going to need a lot of support and accountability to heal my relationship with food - I can’t do it alone. How much support will I get inside Food Freedom Academy?

As a member of Food Freedom Academy, I’ve got your back and will not let you fall through the cracks. You have three unique ways to get the support and accountability you need!

#1: Your LIVE Group Coaching Calls

Sessions are Mondays at 6:30 pm EST and Wednesdays at 10:30 am EST starting on February 12, 2024. This will give you a chance to ask questions, get coached through your blocks & blindspots, and connect with the members of your community. All calls are recorded and replays are sent out if you can’t make it live.

#2: Your Private (Members-Only) Facebook Group

This will be your safe place to ask any questions, post daily to hold yourself accountable, get encouragement from the other members and support each other every step of the way. You'll create an indescribable bond with your fellow Academy Members and walk away with new lifelong friendships.

#3 : Your Weekly Check Ins

Every week, you will receive an email with a short check-in from Sabrina to see how you’re doing, where you’re progressing  and what questions you might have.  This ensures that you stay on your success path and are continuously supported.

I feel a lot of shame around my struggles with food. Will I be judged for my relationship with food in the program?

Absolutely not. This is THE most kind, supportive and judgement-free environment you could possibly enter. Every member inside Food Freedom Academy shares similar challenges as you and will help you feel less alone. We do not tolerate ANY form of judgement inside the program.

This sounds overwhelming, how much time will it take for me to start seeing results?

You will experience noticeable changes in your relationship with food and your body within the first week inside the program.

When are the coaching calls, and what if I can’t make it to a call?

Sessions are Mondays at 6:30 pm EST and Wednesdays at 10:30 am EST.  If you can’t make a call, not a prob;em! All calls are recorded and immediately uploaded to your member portal so that you can watch it at a time that better suits you.

Is this program for me if I have an active eating disorder?

I work with women who have been through ED treatment and are looking for continued support in the recovery process. If you have just been diagnosed with an ED, you may need a higher level of care than we offer inside the Academy.

You don’t have to spend the rest of your life obsessing over food and your body.

Imagine a life where...

  • Food is no longer a source of guilt, stress, anxiety or frustrations.

  • You can eat the foods you love like cookies or sweets without binge/overeating.

  • You can go out to the restaurant and order what you want, not feel an ounce of guilt, and even bring leftovers home with you. 

  • You DON’T think about food from the moment you wake up to the moment you go to bed.

  • You eat by listening to your body, trust yourself to make food decisions, and never again have to rely on someone else to tell you how to eat. 

  • You’ve broken free from the dieting rollercoaster.  Instead, you focus on nourishing your body intuitively and no longer seek quick fixes.

  • You can enjoy social events, parties, and meals without the constant fear of losing control.

  • Your self-worth is no longer tied to your appearance.

  • You’ve achieved stability in your weight and eating habits. No more extreme fluctuations; you’ve found a balanced, sustainable approach to your health.

  • You’ve silenced your inner critic. Your self-talk is now filled with self-compassion and positive thoughts, leading you to a happier and healthier life

You don’t have to spend the rest of your life obsessing over food and your body.

Imagine a life where...

  • Food is no longer a source of guilt, stress, anxiety or frustrations.

  • You can eat the foods you love like cookies or sweets without binge/overeating.

  • You can go out to the restaurant and order what you want, not feel an ounce of guilt, and even bring leftovers home with you. 

  • You DON’T think about food from the moment you wake up to the moment you go to bed.

  • You eat by listening to your body, trust yourself to make food decisions, and never again have to rely on someone else to tell you how to eat. 

  • You’ve broken free from the dieting rollercoaster.  Instead, you focus on nourishing your body intuitively and no longer seek quick fixes.

  • You can enjoy social events, parties, and meals without the constant fear of losing control.

  • Your self-worth is no longer tied to your appearance.

  • You’ve achieved stability in your weight and eating habits. No more extreme fluctuations; you’ve found a balanced, sustainable approach to your health.

  • You’ve silenced your inner critic. Your self-talk is now filled with self-compassion and positive thoughts, leading you to a happier and healthier life

Your Life is Too Short To Waste It Too Obsessed With Food & Your Body To Actually Live It

Choose the Payment Plan That's Right For you

Most Flexible


$277 USD


Best Value


$1497 USD

Your new life can start here, today. The choice is yours, and your journey to Food Freedom begins now.

As with any personal development program, individual results may vary based on different variables such as level of effort, personal qualities, and a host of other factors.
Since these factors differ for each individual, we cannot guarantee specific outcomes. Our coaching offers guidance for improving your relationship with food, body, and habits. It's not a substitute for professional advice. Consult your healthcare provider before making significant changes. By using our services, you agree to our terms.