Why Do You Overeat?

Free Resources to get you started on your food freedom journey

Free Resources to get you started on your food freedom journey

1- Join My Free 3-Day Mindful Eating Challenge

Rediscover a joyful relationship with food, stop overeating and feel in control of your eating ...without giving up the foods you love!

2- Why Do I Overeat? Quiz

Want to feel more in-control around food?✨

Take this short quiz to find out drives your overeating (hint: it's not a lack of willpower) & learn strategies to develop healthier eating patterns without giving up the foods you love.

3- Listen To The Live Unrestricted Podcast

Join Sabrina - Food Freedom & Intuitive Eating Coach - to explore all things intuitive eating, non-diet nutrition, body image, eating disorders, goal achievement, mindfulness, exercise and the power of mindset.